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Goethe’s Theory of Colors and Traditional Japanese Dye
Mario Kumekawa - Keio University Tokyo
Conferenza online | 16 dicembre  2020

Pubblicato: Giovedì 10 dicembre 2020

Mercoledì 16 dicembre alle 16  il prof. Mario Kumekawa (Keio University, Tokyo) terrà una conferenza online dal titolo:
Goethe’s Theory of Colors and Traditional Japanese Dye
Abstract della conferenza

Webinar su Webex
Password: 4prCWvxan98

The link will be enabled 10 minutes before the beginning of the talk. The password is already set, you don't need to type anything. Anyway, in case of troubles, pw: 4prCWvxan98

The conference will be hosted by Cisco WebEx, a professional software made available by the University of Turin, Italy. All you need is a computer and a web browser. Ten minutes before the time scheduled for the beginning of the event, the link  will be enabled. Click on it. You will be asked to enter your name and your email address (the password is already set). Once the information is entered correctly you will be directed to download the plugins needed for your WebEx meetings (only if it's the first time you use it). Depending on your computer’s settings, you may be blocked from running the software directly. If this happens, click Cancel, and go back to your browser’s window waiting to open WebEx (You can make a pre-check by following the instructions at this page).

Once you have entered the seminar, select Using computer for Audio in your Audio Connection window. If the Audio Connection window doesn't open automatically,  select Communicate in the bar on the top of your WebEX window, then select Audio Connection and finally click on Using Computer for Audio. Do not select "I will call in". Do not call any phone number!

You will join the event as an Attendee. Attendees can hear and see everything. For technical reasons, they cannot see the list of the other attendees, but they shall not worry: they are not alone! Also, they cannot show their video, and their microphone is muted by default. However, if they have questions for the speaker, after the presentation of her/his paper and the panelists' questions, they can participate and speak by using the command raise hand (see asking questions).

If you want a larger view of the slides during the speaker's presentation (if there are slides in the speaker’s , select View in the bar on the top of your WebEx window, and then select Full screen.

During question time, you can ask questions to the speaker by clicking on the raise hand icon. The icon is a small stylized hand in the lower right corner of your Webex window. We (i.e. the organizers) will enable you to make your question as soon as possible.

Calendario dei prossimi appuntamenti del seminario ART 

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/12/2020 13:52

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