Conferenza ART - ROGER POUIVET - Université de Lorraine
ART (Aesthetics Research Torino) Philosophical Seminar
Prof. Roger Pouivet
(Université de Lorraine)
November, 24th at 4 p.m.
PW: eWsyt2upc63
Why Men Need the Aesthetic Virtues
Peter Geach (in The Virtues) asked why men need virtues. For my part, I will answer the question of why they need aesthetic virtues – but the answer if perhaps not very different to the more general question about the virtues. What I call « aesthetic virtues » are in fact intellectual and moral virtues exercised in our aesthetic life. Understanding their role, which is far from being purely aesthetic, makes it possible to question the notion of aesthetic experience. It also allows us to insist on the role of metaphysical anthropology to a better understanding of the importance and value of our aesthetic life.
ROGER POUIVET (Université de Lorraine) works in the fields of aesthetics, the philosophy of art and the philosophy of religion, and more generally in metaphysics. Among his publications: L'ontologie de l'œuvre d’art (2nd ed. 2010), Philosophie du rock : une ontologie des artefacts et des enregistrements (2010); Épistémologie des croyances religieuses (2013) L'Art et le désir de Dieu, une enquête philosophique (2017); L'éthique intellectuelle. Une épistémologie des vertus, 2020. In Italian : Dopo Wittgenstein, san Tommaso (2017).