ART - SImon Rose
ART (Aesthetics Research Torino) Philosophical Seminar
Simon Rose
October, 24. h. 4 pm
Aula 1, Conservatorio “Giuseppe Verdi”, Torino
“Relational Improvisation
in music, dance and contemporary art.
Experience, collaboration and transdisciplinarity”
Each of Relational Improvisation’s chapters has been co-written with an artist or artist-researcher with whom Rose has an active collaboration: musicians, dancers, and visual artists. Chapters describe the relationality of practices from different perspectives and offer life-stories, theories, concepts and analysis of relational improvisation in arts. Interdisciplinarity is present throughout. The term double-resonance captures 1. the book’s relational creativity, 2. interdisciplinarity, 3. the mirroring of these in the collaborative writing method. The approach addresses questions of how improvisation is represented and the ways in which knowledge is developed and shared. Improvisation here is regarded as an important human capability found throughout experience. Group improvisation’s exploring character, in creating at the point of performance, means that relational discovery is at its heart, innovatory potential is ever present and this can question boundaries. Relationality is highlighted as a binding phenomenon of open improvisation that leads to composing in the course of performance. Transdisciplinarity can be a move through disciplinary concerns more towards group discovery, in which what is shared between disciplines and different practices becomes foregrounded. In different ways, each chapter presents collaboration through relationality, improvisation and difference.
Simon Rose is a musician-composer, researcher and author from London living in Berlin. His research interest is in creative processes, interdisciplinarity and improvisation. His publications have presented themes of improvisation in: music, education, dance, art-as-social-practice, organisation, law, emotion, performance, and cybernetics. His doctorate thesis was: Improvisation, music and learning: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (Glasgow Caledonian University 2013) and his 2017 book: The lived experience of improvisation: In music, learning and life (Intellect). A second book is about relational improvisation in music, dance and contemporary art (Routledge forthcoming 2023). Rose is a recognised baritone saxophonist with a principle interest in open form improvisation. He performs regularly in diverse collaborations and as a soloist. He increasingly performs in interdisciplinary artistic constellations with dancers, visual artists and others.
The event is supported by Goethe Institut.
ART (Aesthetics Research Torino) is a periodic philosophical seminar organized by the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin and the PhD Program FINO.
Prof. Alessandro Bertinetto (University of Turin).
Prof. Carlo Serra (University of Turin/University of Calabria)
Prof.ssa Serena Feloj (University of Pavia)
Dr. Alberto Martinengo (University of Turin)
Dr. Paolo Furia (University of Turin)
Dr. Jacopo Frascaroli (University of Turin)
Dr. Lisa Giombini (University Rome 3)
Dr. Gregorio Tenti (University of Turin)
Dr. Amalia Salvestrini (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi FIlosofici, Naples)
Dr. Francesca Monateri (Pisa, Scuola Normale)
Dr. Francesca Perotto (FINO)
Dr. Ivan Quartesan (FINO)
Dr. Sofia Boz (University of Padova)
Dr. Leonardo Pietropaolo (University of Turin)
Dr. Luisa Sampugnaro (University of Turin)
Dr. Nicola Davide Angerame (Turin)
ART addresses different topics of the contemporary debate in Aesthetics: philosophy of beauty, philosophy of the arts, theory of sensory experience, philosophy of image and imagination, and history of aesthetics.
ART is supported by:
Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Morfologia Francesco Moiso (CIM)
Centro Studi Arti della Modernità
Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi "Luigi Pareyson"
ART is sponsored by:
Italian Society for Aesthetics (SIE)
European Society for Aesthetics (ESA)